Omophorion - is a long women’s mantle hanging down from head to the feet. Omophorion, or the Robe of the Holy Virgin is one of the most important sacred relics. On icons, omophorion is usually depicted in crimson or red color.
Omophorion — (Greek) — a long band of fabric decorated with crosses and worn over other liturgical vestments. A symbol of a bishop’s rank. Great and small omophorions are different. A great omophorion is a long broad band with embroidered crosses, worn on the chest and on the back. A small omophorion is a broad band with embroidered crosses, with two ends hanging down the chest, sewn together or pinned with buttons. Omophorions symbolize the lost sheep (i.e. lost mankind), while a bishop wearing it signifies Christ the Good Shepherd who took the lost sheep on his shoulders and carried it to the House of the Heavenly Father.