Annual Menologion with the Resurrection – Descent into Hell and the Passion of Christ
Iconography: Menaion, Passion cycle, Resurrection
Date: XIX century. 1880s.
Iconographic school/art center: The Palekh iconographic school
Icon-painter: Zinovyev, Mikhail Ivanovich , Markichev, Vasily Aleksandrovich
Origin: Donated by Mrs. L.A.Andreevo-Delmas, Leningrad, in 1965.
Material: Wood, levkas, tempera, gold
Dimensions: height 52,8 cm, width 44 cm
Shown in the center is the Resurrection of Christ. Around the centerpiece are scenes of the Passion of Christ. On the margins are full-length depictions of the saints. The reverse side of the icon bears the inscription reading: «Работа палехских мастеров 90 х годов прош. стол.» (Painted by Palekh masters in the 1890s.) The masters have been identified as Mikhail Ivanovich Zinovyev from the village of Dyagilevo (dolichnoe pismo), Vasily Aleksanrovich Markichev, Palekh (lichnoe pismo). The inscriptions were made by Vasili Pavlovich Karpyonkov from the village of Kovshovo. The names were reported by Nikolai Mikhailovich Zinovyev. The icon was donated to the Palekh Museum by Lyubov Aleksandrovna Andreeva-Delmas (Leningrad) via N.V.Dadykin in 1965.
Registration number ГМПИ 3649. ДИ-560-И. © The State Museum of Palekh Art
1. Палехская школа 1923-1950. Лаковые миниатюры иконописцев. Мюнхен, 2011. № 11. С. 41.
2. Иконопись Палеха из собрания Государственного музея палехского искусства (Palekh Icon Painting. State Museum of Palekh Art ). М., 1994. С. 150. Илл. XCV.