Resurrection – the Descent into Hell
Iconography: Resurrection
Date: XIX century. 1894.
Iconographic school/art center: The Palekh iconographic school
Icon-painter: Khokhlov, Vasiliy Aleksandrovich
Origin: Received from A.V.Khohlov in the 1960s.
Material: Wood, levkas, tempera, gold
Dimensions: height 29,7 cm, width 19,8 cm
The literary source for this complex multi-figured composition is the Book of Psalms and the apocryphal Gospel according to Nicodemus. This icon best represents the Palekh ancient art imitation style.
Registration number ГМПИ 3601. ДИ-419-И. © The State Museum of Palekh Art
1.Палехская школа 1923-1950. Лаковые миниатюры иконописцев. Мюнхен, 2011. № 12. С. 42.