Unsleeping Eye of Our Lord

Iconography:  Ever Watchful Eye of Our Lord

Date: XX century. Early 20th century.

Iconographic school/art center:  The Palekh iconographic school

Material: Wood, levkas, tempera, oil-paint, gold, chasing

Dimensions:  height 31 cm, width 26,5 cm

A breast-length depiction Jesus Christ with hand resting under the head.

Registration number ГМПИ 3402. ДИ-402-И. © The State Museum of Palekh Art


1. Иконопись Палеха из собрания Государственного музея палехского искусства (Palekh Icon Painting. State Museum of Palekh Art ). М., 1994. С. 151. Илл. CXI.

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