Synaxis of Our Lady
Iconography: Synaxis of the Mother of God
Date: XVIII century. First half of the XVIIIth century
Iconographic school/art center: Kargopolye
Origin: was removed from the church in the village of Astafyevo, Kargopolsky district, Archangelskaya region
Material: Wood, cut-back central portion, canvas, levkas, tempera
Dimensions: height 109 cm, width 101,5 cm
In the center of the composition on the throne surrounded by the glorious aureole is sitting Our Lady with the Divine Child. Above Her in the fiery quadrant is an angel holding the sphere with the star of Bethlehem, at his sids against the background of the heavenly dome are the angels with the trumpets and the scrolls. To the left of Our Lady s depicted archangel Gabriel, behind whom is shown the group of prophets including prophet Isaiah with the unfolded scroll in his hands with the following inscription: «Се Д(Е)ВА // В ЧЬРЕ // ВЕ при // ИМЕТЬ // и РОДИ // ТЬ С (Ы)На // ЕМАНУ // И (Ис. VII, 14). Behind the prophets is the tree with the cross. Below is the generous robber, the group of children and also the magi with the gifts. To the right of the mandorla is the cave, behind it are the saints among which are Stephen of Sourozh and St. Simeon, the Venerable-Senex and Theofer, and also the shepherds. Below are two groups of people led by evangelist Matthew and Apostle Paul. Under the mandorla is the dove, inside the eight-pointed star, symbolizing the Holy Spirit. To the right is the group of maids, John the Forerunner and myrrh-bearers. To the left is Zacchaeus sitting on the fig tree. Nearby is the allegoric depiction of the desert in the shape of the sitting female figure with the manger in the hands. Two groups of the saint women including widow Anne and Elizabeth with child John. In the lower corners is the allegoric depiction of seas and rivers.
Registration number ДРЖ-1614. © State Museum Association «Art Culture of the Russian North»
Иконы Русского Севера. Шедевры древнерусской живописи Архангельского музея изобразительных искусств. М., 2007. Т. 2. № 195. С. 366.