Fiery Ascent of prophet Elijah
Iconography: Fiery Ascension of Elijah the Prophet
Date: XIX century. First quarter of the 19th century
Origin: From the Old Belief meeting room of Spasovo religious grouping in the village of Demidovo in Cherepovetskiy district, Novgorodskaya region (now Sheksninskiy district, Vologodskaya region).
Material: Wood, tempera
Dimensions: height 32 cm, width 26 cm
The icon represents the scenes from the life of prophet Elijah. In the upper part is depicted the ascent of the prophet in the fiery chariot heading to the Lord of Sabaoth in the quadrant. In the center is the depiction of prophet Elijah, to the left is the scene of apparition of the angel in the desert, above is represented the scene on the mount Carmel. In the lower right part Elijah immerses his mantle in the Jordan river so that the waters would come apart.
Was deposited in 1933.
Restoration: : the All-Russian Art Scientific and Restoration Center named after I.E. Grabar, restorer – Mironova L.A
Inv. №835/5. © Cherepovets Museum Association.
Bibliography: Куликова О.В. Древние лики Русского Севера. Из музейного собрания икон XIV-XIX веков города Череповца. М., 2009. Кат. № 93 (Илл. 93).