Miracle of Florus and Laurus
Iconography: Miracle of the Archangel Michael with Florus and Laurus
Date: XIX century.
Material: Wood, levkas, tempera, oil-paint
Dimensions: height 31 cm, width 25,5 cm
In the upper part of the icon is the figure of the Archangel Michael, flanked by saint martyrs Florus and Laurus and bishops Blaise and Spiridon standing in a half-turn position. In the lower part is the figure of a mounted horseman with two more horses galloping ahead of him.
Received in 1981 from the E.V.Vuchetich All-Union art production center.
Inv. № РЖ – 1251. © S.D.Erzi Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Mordovia
Русское искусство XVIII - XX века: живопись, икона, культовая деревянная скульптура, графика, скульптура: каталог. Т.1 / МРМИИ им. С.Д. Эрьзи; [редкол.: Л.Н. Нарбекова и др.; авт. - сост.: Т.В. Елисеева, Е.А. Вишнякова]. Саранск, 2009. № 165. С. 117.