Mother of God the Joy of All Who Sorrow
Iconography: Holy Virgin of Joy of All Who Sorrow
Date: XIX century. The second half of the 19th century.
Material: Wood, levkas, tempera
Dimensions: height 30,5 cm, width 26,3 cm
The icon features the Theotokos in the mandorla, surrounded by people suffering from diseases and sorrows, and angels carrying out acts of benevolence on her behalf. Above the angels are the figures of saint martyrs Ignacius and Necetus, the righteous Eudokia and a guardian angel. In the upper part of the icon, in the corners, is the heavenly host, with the half-figure of the Lord Sabaoth in a segment of heaven in the center.
Received from the Vuchetich All-Union Industrial Art Combine in 1990.
Inv. № РЖ – 1989. © S.D.Erzi Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Mordovia
Русское искусство XVIII - XX века: живопись, икона, культовая деревянная скульптура, графика, скульптура: каталог. Т.1 / МРМИИ им. С.Д. Эрьзи; [редкол.: Л.Н. Нарбекова и др.; авт. - сост.: Т.В. Елисеева, Е.А. Вишнякова]. Саранск, 2009. № 137. С. 100.