Four-part icon with saints on the margins
Iconography: Burning Bush, icon of the Mother of God, Holy Virgin of Joy of All Who Sorrow, Our Lady of Kazan, Feodorovskaya icon of the Mother of God
Date: XIX century. The last third of the 19th century.
Material: Wood, levkas, tempera
Dimensions: height 35 cm, width 31 cm
In the central part of the icon are four images of the Mother of God: the Unburnt Bush, the Joy of All Who Sorrow, the Theotokos Kazanskaya and Feodorovskaya. On the margins are the figures of guardian angel, Queen Helen and the righteous John.
Received from the Vuchetich All-Union Industrial Art Combine in 1991.
Inv. № РЖ – 2109. © S.D.Erzi Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Mordovia
Русское искусство XVIII - XX века: живопись, икона, культовая деревянная скульптура, графика, скульптура: каталог. Т.1 / МРМИИ им. С.Д. Эрьзи; [редкол.: Л.Н. Нарбекова и др.; авт. - сост.: Т.В. Елисеева, Е.А. Вишнякова]. Саранск, 2009. № 142. С. 103.