Resurrection of Christ – the Descent into Hell with the feasts
Iconography: Selected holidays, Resurrection - Rise of the Tomb
Date: XIX century. The late 19th - early 20th century.
Material: Wood, levkas, , oil-paint
Dimensions: height 34 cm, width 29,5 cm
In the center of the icon is the scene of the Resurrection of Christ. Jesus is depicted wearing white vestments, his hands are raised in a benedictory gesture. On either side of Him are the seated angels. The central composition is surrounded by twelve border scenes of the feasts.
Border scenes:
1.The Nativity of the Theotokos.
2.The Entrance into the Temple
3.The Annunciation
4.The Nativity of Christ
5.The Meeting of Our Lord
6.The Theophany
7.The Entrance into Jerusalem
8.The Transfiguration
9.The Ascension of Our Lord
10. The Holy Trinity
11.The Dormition of the Mother of God
12.The Elevation of the Cross
Purchased in 1994 from O.A.Dedkova (the village of Lukhovka near Saransk).
Inv. № РЖ – 2213. © S.D.Erzi Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Mordovia
Русское искусство XVIII - XX века: живопись, икона, культовая деревянная скульптура, графика, скульптура: каталог. Т.1 / МРМИИ им. С.Д. Эрьзи; [редкол.: Л.Н. Нарбекова и др.; авт. - сост.: Т.В. Елисеева, Е.А. Вишнякова]. Саранск, 2009. № 115. С. 86.