Symbol of Faith
Iconography: Symbol of Faith
Date: XIX century. The first quarter of the 19th c.
Origin: From the Church of Nikola Naberezhny in Murom.
Material: Wood, tempera
Dimensions: height 44,5 cm, width 37 cm
The iconography of the icon scenes is traditional, basically imitating a few surviving icons of the late 16th – 17th centuries.
Border scenes:
1. The Lord Sabaoth with angels (top). The Creation of Adam and Eve. The Fall of Adam and Eve (bottom).
2. The Fatherland (top). The Service of the First Ecumenical Council Fathers (bottom).
3. Christ Pantocrator with angels
4. The Annunciation
5. The Nativity of Christ
6. The Crucifixion
7. The Laying in the Tomb
8. The Resurrection – the Descent into Hell
9. The Ascension
10. The Second Coming
11. Two images of the Holy Trinity with Christ sitting to the right of God the Father and the Holy Spirit in the guise of a pigeon between them.
12. Christ the Great Archbishop blessing the Mother of God (top). The prophets and the righteous souls (bottom)
13. Christ the Great Archbishop and John the Chrysostom preach to the apostles, holy hierarchs and the laity. The Apostles Peter, John, James
14. John the Baptist baptizes people
15. The Resurrection of the Dead. Christ with the righteous in Heavenly Jerusalem.
Deposited in the Museum on July 20, 1940.