Resurrection, the Descent into Hell, with the feasts, passion and Gospel scenes
Iconography: Passion cycle, Selected holidays, Resurrection
Date: XVII century. 1669
Origin: From the Church of St. George in Murom
Material: Wood, tempera
Dimensions: height 113 cm, width 88 cm
The center of the icon represents the scene of the Resurrection – the Descent into Hell in an expanded iconographic redaction noted for a detailed interpretation of the key event, which includes additional episodes. The basic part of the centerpiece depicts the frontal figure of Jesus Christ standing on the broken gates of hell, Adam and Eve rising from the graves and a group of prophets led by John the Baptist to the right of the Savior.
Inner border scenes:
1. The Conception of the Mother of God
2. The Nativity of the Mother of God
3. The Entry of the Mother of God into the temple
4. The Annunciation
5. The Nativity of Christ
6. The Meeting of the Lord
7. Mid-Pentecost
8. The Theophany
9. The Transfiguration
10. The Descent from the Cross
11. The Deposition in the Tomb
12. The Lamentation of Christ
13. The Holy Trinity
14. The Dormition of the Mother of God
15. The Intercession of the Mother of God
16. The Elevation of the Cross External
Border scenes:
1. The Holy Trinity with the attending Mother of God, John the Baptist and the angel council
2. The Raising of Lazarus
3. The Entry into Jerusalem
4. The Last Supper
5. The Washing of the Feet
6. The Appearance of Jesus Christ to the Apostles after the Resurrection
7. The Myrrh-bearing Women at the Holy Sepulcher
8. The Appearance of Jesus Christ to Mary Magdalene
9. The Appearance of the Angels to the Myrrh-bearing Women
10. The Appearance of Christ to Cleopas and Luke on the way to Emmaus
11. Christ shares bread with his disciples
12. Peter and John find Christ’s tomb empty
13. The Appearance of Jesus Christ to Mary Magdalene
14. Christ appears to the Apostles through a closed window, the descent of the Holy Spirit upon them
15. The Appearance of Jesus Christ on the Sea of Tiberias
16. Peter confesses his love for Christ three times
17. The Crucifixion
18. The Descent into Hell
19. The Resurrection
Deposited in the Museum on March 4, 1935