Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia of Murom, Sts, with scenes from their lives
Iconography: Peter of Murom, St., Febronia of Murom, St., Hagiographic cycle of Peter and Fevronia
Date: XVII century. 1618
Origin: From the Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God in Murom
Material: Wood, tempera
Dimensions: height 174 cm, width 143 cm
In the center is an image of Peter and Fevronia dressed in monastic clothes praying to Emmanuel. A relatively small central part of the icon is surrounded by 32 large border scenes. The icon borders are covered with metallic basma with the ornamentation, typical of the first half of the 17th century. The border scenes cycle doesn’t reproduce any redaction of the Tale of Peter and Fevronia but is close to its Second redaction and the redaction by Patriarch Hermogen.
Border scenes:
1. The reign of brother princes Peter and Paul
2. Peter sees in his sister-in-law’s room the serpent in the guise of of Prince Paul
3. Peter takes Agric’s sword
4. Peter kills the serpent
5. Peter goes to the Ryazan land in search of healers
6. Peter’s servant comes to Fevronia’s house
7. The healing of Peter and his hasty departure to Murom
8. The sick Peter goes back to Fevronia
9. Peter’s servant comes to Fevronia once again
10. The recovery of Peter
11. The wedding of Peter and Fevronia
12. Peter and Fevronia meet the clergy and the citizens of Murom
13. The wedding feast in Murom
14. The Murom boyars demands the expulsion of Peter and Fevronia
15. Peter and Fevronia leave Murom
16. The miracle of the blossoming trees
17. The boyars’ feud in Murom
18. The citizens beg Peter and Fevronia to go back and reign in Murom
19. Peter and Fevronia meet with the citizens of Murom
20. Just reign of Peter and Fevronia
21. Peter and Fevronia give alms to the poor
22. Preparation of a coffin for Peter and Fevronia, Peter and Fevronia take the monastic vows
23. Peter sends a messenger to Fevronia to tell her about his nearing death; Fevronia is embroidering air
24. The dormition of Peter
25. The dormition of Fevronia
26. The entombment of Peter in a church
27. The entombment of Fevronia outside of the city in the Monastery of the Elevation of the Cross
28. The miraculous re-unification of the saints’ bodies in one grave
29. The reburial of Peter in a separate grave in a church
30. The reburial of Fevronia Peter in a separate grave in the Monastery of the Elevation of the Cross
31. The second re-unification of the saints’ bodies in one grave
32. The laying of the coffin with the relics of Peter and Fevronia in the church