Our Lady of Tolga
Iconography: Tolgsk icon of the Mother of God
Date: XIV century. The beginning of the 14th c.
Origin: From Voskresensky-Kubenoozersky church, the Vologda uezd
Material: Wood, canvas, levkas, tempera
Dimensions: height 147 cm, width 102 cm
The older part of the icon is composed of two lime-tree and pine boards. A test cleaning of the image of Jesus Christ’s face was made by A.I.Bryagin in 1928 in the village of Kubenskoe. году. In 1929—1930 the same restorer renovated the icon at the Vologda museum. The original painting on the central boards was revealed in 1966—1974 at State Central Art Restoration Workshop by A.N.Ovchinnikov. He also replaced two painted 16th century side boards. The Mother of God is represented half-length, with her head slightly inclined to the right; the Child is half-sitting on Her left hand.
Inv. NO ВОКМ 7847 © Vologda State Museum of History, Architecture and Art