Scenes from Gospels (Earthly Life of Christ)
Iconography: Passion cycle, Selected holidays
Date: XV century. First quarter of the 15th c.
Iconographic school/art center: Novgorod school
Origin: From the Church of Boris and Gleb in Plotniki, Novgorod.
Material: Wood, tempera
Dimensions: height 158 cm, width 128 cm
The icon depicts New Testament scenes from the life of Jesus Christ. A distinctive feature of this icon is that the scenes begin from the Baptism rather than from the Good News or the mid-Pentecost. Besides, more than half of the composition is dedicated to the Passion of Christ, the Twelve Feasts; miracles and other events are considerably less represented. And finally, the scenes are not depicted in historical sequence.
Inv. № 2181. © Novgorod State United Museum
Иконы Великого Новгорода XI- начала XVI веков. Авторы проекта Л.В. Нерсесян и С.В.Обух. М. Северный паломник. 2008. №20.
General view
Border panel 02. Marriage at Cana
Border panel 03. The resurrection of Jair’s daughter. Healing a Cripple
Border panel 04. Christ and the Samaritan woman. Healing of the blind
Border panel 08. The Last Supper
Border panel 09. The Foot washing
Border panel 11. The Arrest
Border panel 23. The Presentation of Jesus Christ to the myrr-bearers