Exaltation of the Cross. Sts. Chariton the Confessor, Varlaam of Khutun and Sergius of Radonezh
Iconography: Elevation of Honored and Life-Giving Cross of Our Lord, The, Varlaam of Khutun, St., Sergius of Radonezh, Venerable, Chariton the Confessor, St.
Date: XV century. 1484-1504
Iconographic school/art center: Novgorod school
Origin: From the Saint Sophia Cathedral, Novgorod.
Material: Tempera, canvas
Dimensions: height 24 cm, width 19,5 cm
A double-sized tablet icon. The front side The Exaltation of the Cross of Our Lord. The reverse side: SS Chariton the Confessor, Varlaam of Khutun and Sergius of Radonezh.
Inv. № 3106. © Novgorod State United Museum
Иконы Великого Новгорода XI - начала XVI веков. Авторы проекта Л.В. Нерсесян и С.В.Обух. М. Северный паломник. 2008. №49.