Fiery Ascension of Elijah the Prophet
Iconography: Fiery Ascension of Elijah the Prophet, Hagiographic cycle of Elijah the Prophet
Date: XVIII century. First third of the 18th century.
Material: Wood, levkas, tempera
Dimensions: height 111,5 cm, width 85 cm
In the center of the icons is the fiery ascension of Elijah the Prophet. In the left upper corner of the mullion is Jesus Christ in the clouds. The mullion also depicts scenes from the saint’s life: the raven feeding the saint in the wilderness, Elijah, in company with Elisha the Prophet, divides the waters of Jordan with his mantle, presentation of the angel to Elijah in the wilderness. The icon frame contains scenes from the saint’s life.
Inv. № 0280. © The Andrey Rublyov Museum of Medieval Russian Culture and Art
General view
Mullion. Elijah, in company with Elisha the Prophet, divides the waters of Jordan with his mantle
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