Holy Gates
Iconography: Half-doors of Holy Gates
Date: XVI century.
Iconographic school/art center: Novgorod school
Origin: The icon comes from the collection of A.A.Shirinsky-Shikhmatov that was kept in his Tver estate Ostrovki before the Bolshevik revolution. After the revolution and until 1964 the icon was kept in the museum of the Kalinigrad region.
Material: Wood, levkas, tempera
Dimensions: height 160 cm, width 74 cm
The icon of the The Holy Gates is composed of two connected halfdoors each representing left and right parts of the four scenes: Panel 1 – the Annunciation (the left halfdoor shows the Archangel Gabriel, the right halfdoor depicts the Holy Virgin), Panel 2 –the Eucharist (on the left halfdoor the apostles are shown taking communion of bread, on the right halfdoor they are depicted taking communion of wine), Panel 3 – images of the Evangelists (John on the left halfdoor and Matthew on the right door), Panel 4 - images of the Evangelists (Luke on the left halfdoor, and Mark on the right door). Lower borders (left and right halfdoord) bear the inscription: Restored by V.P.Guryanov, 1902.
Inv. № 16. © The Andrey Rublyov Museum of Medieval Russian Culture and Art
General view
The Annunciation. The Archangel Gabriel. Left halfdoor of the Beautiful gates
The Annunciation. The Holy Virgin. Right halfdoor of the Beautiful gates
The Eucharist. Left halfdoor of the Beautiful gates
The Eucharist. Communion of the apostles. Right halfdoor of the Beautiful gates
Evangelist John the Theologist with St. Prochoros. Left halfdoor of the The Beautiful Gates
Matthew the Evangelist . Right halfdoor of the Beautiful gates
Luke the Evangelist. Left halfdoor of the Beautiful gates
Mark the Evangelist. Right halfdoor of the Beautiful gates
The renovator’s inscription. Left halfdoor of the Beautiful gates
The renovator’s inscription. Right halfdoor of the Beautiful gates